Monday, May 21, 2012

That Google Problem

It seems that George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina has a wee bit of a problem.  Actually, he has two problems.  The first is that he's a sexist asshole, and the second is that he has no understanding at all about how the Internet works.  In case no one told you, George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville South Carolina, the Internet is forever, so if you don't want people to Google your name and find out what a sexist fucktard you are, you probably shouldn't use Twitter, George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina, to call nice young ladies cunts and dick-suckers. 


  1. Oh dear, I suspect you have hurt George Tierney, Jr.'s feeling. I believe he lives in Greenville, South Carolina.

  2. It's interesting that he uses "dick sucker" as an insult, since, obviously, no one with 2 legs is sucking the dick of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.

    But I understand some of the local sheep are pretty friendly....

  3. Wonder what George Tierney, Sr. thinks of all this?


  4. Probably wishing he had named his boy Sue. ;)
