Thursday, May 24, 2012

Eating the Seed Corn

I would like to direct the five or six people who read this blog to Echidne, who has a wonderfully simple explanation of the Republican plan for education.

See, the thing is, in education, as in fiscal policy and so many other things, the Republicans take the short-sighted, corporate view:  What is good for the bottom line, right now?  Just as businesses have taken on the habit of slashing the workforce in order to improve quarterly profits, sacrificing our manufacturing base and shrinking our tax base, Republicans would have us sacrifice the education of our children for a short-term gain financially.  Doctors, lawyers, engineers, (gasp) teachers?  Who needs those?  Why should our kids be well-educated and our teachers be well-paid and respected?  They will not need these skills in the future, when the Magical Free Market will have them all working for two dollars a day in Uncle Mitt's Sweatshop. 


  1. Nicely done.

    Add me to the list of 5 or 6 people.

  2. You win the internets today for the awesome name of this blog.

    Danny Guam
