Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Poem

I am getting old
I have my Mother's hands
Weary from work
Scarred by life
Tired and sore
Chapped and red
From washing dishes and floors
Scrubbing sinks and toilets
Typing all day
Carrying bags
Tending to wounds
Cleaning up messes
Burned and blistered
From cooking the meals
Wrinkled and dry
From too many years of neglect
Too busy to tend to their needs
Too many other important things
It can wait
Why put on lotion
When in five minutes
My hands will be wet again
I am getting old
But I do not mind
I have my Mother's hands

(Photo credit:  Aging Hands )


  1. lovely, darling./CD

  2. preface comment: I click on any link you post just because I love the name of this site so much. So there. :)

    comment: does lotion really work? i have never seen it do anything except get yer hands all slick and greasy and unusable until the stuff rubs off. Maybe the effect requires constant reapplication whereas I've used it maybe 27 times in my life so I lost the cumulative effect. O well.

    post comment comment: my mother died 7 weeks ago. This made me weep, as I will never have them again no matter what mine look like. thank you, this was great.

  3. Aww, thank you, Xan.

    And I don't know about the lotion. The only kind I ever used consistently was Cornhusker's when I used to work doing industrial spray-painting and it kept them from bleeding too much.
