By now, Diane should have received the check I sent. Unlike her, I am not a Believer, but I do hold in my heart the hope that the best of the human spirit will prevail in times of trouble. This hope has been kept alive, yet again, through the efforts of everyone who sent a donation or a kind thought to our friend in her time of need. I hope it's enough. I hope that all the Dianes out there have Enough. I hope that, someday, we reach a point where it's just understood that everyone should have Enough.
Again, I thank you all for your generosity. I may call on you again, and, if I do, I hope that you will be there. You are the best that humanity has to offer.
Through the collective efforts of Atriots past and present, readers of Diane's blog, and other friends, we have managed to surpass the goal of collecting $1,800 to pay Diane's last month's rent at the care facility where she resides. At the end of the week, I will be mailing her a check for $2,200. I can't thank you all enough for your generosity, and for all the kind emails you sent expressing your love and concern for our friend in her time of need. Rest assured that your good wishes will be conveyed to her along with your financial contributions. I have tried multiple times to compose this post, and each time I was overwhelmed. First, by the simply stunning outpouring of affection and generosity of those who care for Diane, but second, and somewhat surprisingly, by anger. This may not be the most appropriate place to express it, but it really makes me angry that this fundraiser even needed to happen. A dying person should not have to concern herself with these matters. Her friends should not have to rally to scrape together the funds for her last expenses. I'm so heartened, and so relieved that we were able to manage this, but what if we had not been able to? What, then? What would happen to Diane? What happens to all the "Dianes" out there who don't have a network like this? This is something that simply should not happen in a civilized society, and it makes me incredibly angry. I'm not sure what to do with that. For now, I suppose it will be enough to be happy and grateful that we were able to bring some comfort and peace to a friend in her time of need. Thank you for that. Peace, K..
I'm about to shut it down for the evening, as my tired old ass has done
all I can for this day, but I wanted to let you all know that due to
your generosity, we have well surpassed our goal of collecting $1800 for
Diane, and that's just through the PayPal link I put up. I will have
something to say about all this tomorrow, when I'm not so tired and not
so completely verklempt, but, damn, youse are the best fucking fucks
I've ever had the pleasure to know. Anyone who says Internet friends
aren't "real" friends can fucking blow me, and by that, I mean, again.
As many of you know, one of our own beloved, Diane, of Cabdrollery, has been experiencing serious health issues for quite some time. She is currently in good hands, receiving excellent and loving hospice care in California.
I have been corresponding with her, as she no longer has Internet access (although efforts to re-establish that may continue, if she is willing and able), and one of the things that she mentioned is that she is in need of financial assistance. The facility in which she currently resides has asked that she pay her last month's rent (although that is not necessarily this very month, please do note), to the tune of about $1,800. If I had that much to spare, myself, I would simply send her a check, but, fact of the matter is, I don't. However, I know the Atriots, past and present, to be an overly generous and extraordinarily kind group of human beings, and so, on Diane's behalf, I humbly beg for your help.
Diane will surely not be with us for too terribly much longer. For now, she is receiving good care and is not in pain. I think it would be a kind thing and a blessing to at least ease her passing by helping to relieve her worries about finances.
All donations large and small will be most gratefully accepted. Thank you so much for whatever you can do to help our friend.