Friday, August 31, 2012

Note to People, in General

I don't know what ever happened to manners and common courtesy. Maybe I'm a prude (I don't think so). But, just a couple of things to remember, if you wish to not be publicly dressed down and embarrassed:

1. The world is not your fucking living room. When out in public, unless you are at an event/venue where rowdiness is expected, such as a sporting event, a concert, a bar, etc., others think it considerate if you use your "inside voice." If I am seated across from you in a restaurant and can hear every word of your conversation, you are speaking too loudly.

2. Your children are precious to you, but not to me. I don't find every word they utter cute and/or insightful.

3. Regarding your children: There are times/places that are appropriate for children and families, and those that are not.

4. Further regarding your children: If you choose to take them with you to a place that is really not appropriate for them, it is up to YOU to supervise them/ensure that they behave properly. It is NOT appropriate for you to seat yourselves at one end of the table, so that you and your adult friends can carry on your too-loud conversation, while seating them at the other, unsupervised, so that they can behave like the children that they are absent your parental supervision/instruction.

5. If you wish to go out for an evening with your adult friends without the responsibility of looking after your spawn, get a babysitter. Otherwise, stay home. A large part of parenting is sacrificing your own desires so that your children get the time and attention that they need to grow into kind, considerate adults.

Failure to adhere to these principles will, on occasion, result in the ire of others. Don't be surprised, shocked, or offended by it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

You Didn't Build That

No, you didn't.  You really didn't.  No one is begrudging anyone their success or their fortune, except in the case of Vulture Capitalists like Mitt Romney, who made his money not through hard work or the sweat of his brow, but through manipulating finances and causing other people suffering.  No, what we are saying is, that in this country, we have something called The Commons.  The Commons are those things that we built together, that we support together through our tax dollars; things like roads, bridges, an education and court system, police and fire departments, regulatory and enforcement agencies such as the FDA and  the Department of Agriculture that keep products safe for consumers, agencies such as the EPA, which looks out for the environment that we must all live in, the Army Corps of Engineers, which does things like build levees to keep low-lying areas safe for citizens and businesses, etc.  You get the picture.  Without these things, "job-creators" wouldn't have workers educated enough or healthy enough to show up at work each day and perform the tasks necessary to earn profits for a business.  Without police and fire protection, businesses would either be raided by bandits or burned down by arsonists, or spend a pretty penny for private protection.  Without a Government-funded court system, there would be no one to mediate contract disputes, patent infringements, unfair practices and the like.  Without the Interstate Highway System, the railroads (built by the Evil Government) and the FAA, there would be no means by which to get products to market. This does not even include things like Federally-insured bank accounts, college loans, or help to small businesses. I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

Contrary to what assholes like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will tell you, there is NO ONE who has been successful in this country without having taken advantage of at least some part of The Commons.  No. One.  Whether you are a one-man operation or a Fortune 500 company, you have benefitted from the efforts of others.  If you employ people, your profits depend on them.  I am sick and goddamned tired of hearing The Commons villified.  The Commons are what make this country unique, they are what enable people to work hard and be successful, and they are what make, and keep, this country strong.  To deny the fact that we are all interdependent is to deny the very basis of our Constitution and our way of life.  So, FUCKING STOP IT, ALREADY.

Everyone likes to imagine him/herself as the Lone Wolf, struggling against adversity and overcoming it, all on their own, with no help from anyone, but I'm here to tell you that this just isn't so.  Whether you like it or not, we're all in this together. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

In Defense of Personal Liberty

So, you like "personal liberty," do you? Does that include the liberty to make your own medical decisions, including whether/when to become pregnant and what to do about it if you are pregnant and don't wish to be? Does that include the liberty to be able to get medical care if you are sick, whether you can afford it or not? Does that include the liberty to enjoy the right that most Americans enjoy, to be able to marry the person of your choice? Does that include the liberty to be able to get a decent education, regardless of your economic circumstances? Does that include the liberty to be able to go to sleep at night with a roof over your head and a belly not aching from hunger? Does that include the liberty to be able to practice the religion of your choice (or none at all) irrespective of what the majority of this country chooses? Or does it only include the "liberty" of others to believe and behave as YOU think they should?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Anntoinette Romney

Dear Anntoinette Romney:

You will never be First Lady, despite the fact that you very clearly feel that the position is your due. EVERY first lady, including Laura Bush, bless her heart for being married to that clod, exhibited the ability to conduct herself with a certain level of grace and decorum. It is the job of the First Lady (or First Gentleman, as the case may be), to act as a buffer for the President, to carry out the duties of the First Spouse in a dignified manner, and to exhibit kindness, thoughtfulness and diplomacy, irrespective of Party affiliation. Even if, by some longshot (or election fraud), your husband should somehow gain the office, I'm sure he will immediately demote you and appoint one of your more demure and graceful Sister Wives to the position.
